Sunday, February 7, 2016

Today´s Sermon Notes

2016.02.07                    Ephesians 6: 8-12
         The Armor of God   Part1                
Good morning everyone…. It´s great to see all of you… I am glad that you are here….. I have Good News for you…. His name is Jesus… As most of you know… Here at Calvary Chapel Wiesbaden we teach through the Bible verse by verse… Because we want to see the Big picture…. We want to know and understand our great God and Savior…. The Lord Jesus Christ…. We are studying Paul´s letter to the Ephesians this morning… This morning we will pick up chapter 6… We have been looking at the passages about submission and authority…. In the home and in the church and in the work environmentlook at Eph 5… v21…
Ephesians 5: 21                  NLT   Neues Leben
21 And further, submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.
21 Ordnet euch aus Achtung vor dem Herrn bereitwillig einander unter.
v21… submit to one another out of reverence for Christ… The NKJV says…. Submitting to one another in the fear of God… The motive for all submission is love and respect for the Lord Jesus Christ...   It has to do with our relationship with the Lord Jesus…. We need to have an attitude of mutual submission in the church and in our families…   We need the Holy Spirit´s help to love and care for our each other and our families… We also need the Holy Spirit´s help as we live and work in this world…. We want to be good and godly examples in our workplaces… How we live and work is a very important part of our witness to the world… We should be the most helpful and diligent workers in the company….
In theory our co-workers know that we are Christians… They are watching us… They need to see helpful and humble servants…. People who are looking for the good of the business…. And not for personal advantage… Because I blasted through my notes on these verses last week… let´s review Eph 6…v5-9…
Ephesians 6: 5- 9                 NLT   Neues Leben
5 Slaves, obey your earthly masters with deep respect and fear. Serve them sincerely as you would serve Christ. 6 Try to please them all the time, not just when they are watching you. As slaves of Christ, do the will of God with all your heart. 7 Work with enthusiasm, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. 8 Remember that the Lord will reward each one of us for the good we do, whether we are slaves or free.9 Masters, treat your slaves in the same way. Don’t threaten them; remember, you both have the same Master in heaven, and he has no favorites.
5 Ihr Sklaven sollt euren irdischen Herren gehorchen. Achtet und ehrt sie und dient ihnen mit aufrichtigen Herzen, wie ihr Christus dient.
6 Arbeitet hart, aber nicht nur, um euren Herren zu gefallen, wenn sie euch dabei sehen. Versteht euch vielmehr als Sklaven, die Christus gehören und die von Herzen den Willen Gottes erfüllen.
7 Arbeitet so bereitwillig, als würdet ihr Gott dienen und nicht Menschen.
8 Denkt daran, dass der Herr jeden von uns für das Gute belohnen wird, das wir tun, ob wir nun Sklaven sind oder frei.
9 Und genauso sollt auch ihr Herren eure Sklaven behandeln. Droht ihnen nicht, sondern denkt immer daran, dass ihr beide denselben Herrn im Himmel habt, der keinen Menschen bevorzugt.
v5… Slaves, obey your earthly masters…  Serve them sincerely as you would serve Christ… Do you see the pattern in Paul´s exhortations to us…? We are learning about all forms of submission in life… For Christians all submission… Is rooted in our submission to the Lord Jesus Christ… He is our example... He became obedient even unto death… Death on the cross… Phil 2:8 and Hebrews 5:8…
He is not only our example…. He is the reason that we submit to each other… and to the authority that He Himself has placed in the home and in the church…. It´s all because of Jesus… We trust Him…. We love and serve and obey the Lord Jesus… He is the one we are following… As we submit to the Lord… We submit to the authorities that the Lord has put in our lives… The Lord has given us parents and husbands and bosses and pastors… And because we are genuine believers… we follow them… Unless what we are told to do something that is illegal or sinful… Something that violates the Word of God… No one can command you to disobey the Word of God…
The truth that we belong to the Lord Jesus Christ changes our whole perspective as workers and as bosses… It reminds us that our work should be done as if we were working for the Lord… There were many many slaves in the days when the early church was formed…. Slavery was an accepted form of oppression… People were used and abused in those days… That is not the way genuine believers are to be…. It does not matter if we are bosses or workers….. We are in Christ…. We belong to the Lord Jesus…. We are to be the best bosses and the best workers on the planet…  
While the Gospel in one respect left slavery alone… it doomed it in another… Because the Good News of the Gospel combats all forms of oppression… The Glorious Light of the Gospel Burst into the Greco-Roman world with great power… The Gospel brings the message of mutual submission and redeeming love… To a world dominated by power and wickedness…  
v8… Remember that the Lord will reward each one of us for the good we do… Paul reminds us that God will bless and reward us for our hard work…
v9… Masters… Don’t threaten them… remember, you both have the same Master in heaven…  
We are commanded to be kind and not harsh… This applies to our families and our employees and of course… It applies to the way we treat each other here in the church…  Again we see Jesus as our example… let´s look at the next section… Eph 6… v10…
Ephesians 6: 10,11                   NLT  Neues Leben
10 A final word: Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil.
10 Noch ein Wort zum Schluss: Werdet stark durch den Herrn und durch die mächtige Kraft seiner Stärke!
11 Legt die komplette Waffenrüstung Gottes an, damit ihr allen hinterhältigen Angriffen des Teufels widerstehen könnt.
Ephesians 6: 12,13                        NLT   Neues Leben
12 For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.13 Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm.
12 Denn wir kämpfen nicht gegen Menschen aus Fleisch und Blut, sondern gegen die bösen Mächte und Gewalten der unsichtbaren Welt, gegen jene Mächte der Finsternis, die diese Welt beherrschen, und gegen die bösen Geister in der Himmelswelt.13 Bedient euch der ganzen Waffenrüstung Gottes. Wenn es dann so weit ist, werdet ihr dem Bösen widerstehen können und noch aufrecht stehen, wenn ihr den Kampf gewonnen habt.
v10a… A final word: Be strong in the Lord… This comes at the end of the letter… In this letter Paul has carefully established our place in Jesus… He has taught solid doctrinal proof…  And then He applied these truths to our   Christian walk… This is his last section dealing with that walk… Literally speaking…  Paul wrote… strengthen yourselves in the Lord… He probably took the idea from 1 Samuel 30:6… In that passage we see that … David strengthened himself in the LORD his God
There are 2 two essential components to this final exhortation… First, you must be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might... Then, you must put on the whole armor of God... Both of these components are essential…   
Equipping ourselves for Christian combat must begin with the Lord Jesus… Be strong in the Lord and….
v10b... And in the power of His might… This shows how to get the strength that we need for the spiritual battle that we find ourselves in…   
Might is a clearly seen proof of power or force…  
God has vast reservoirs of might that can be realized as power in our Christian life…  His might works in us and through us…  
The key for us is to by faith… rely on His might… And then do the work…. We Proclaim and defend the Gospel with His power and His wisdom…  And as Paul says in 2 Corinthians chapter 10… v3…5…
2 Corinthians 10: 3-5                NLT   Neues Leben
3 We are human, but we don’t wage war as humans do. 4 We use God’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments. 5 We destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God. We capture their rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ.
3 Wir sind zwar Menschen, doch wir kämpfen nicht mit menschlichen Mitteln. 4 Wir setzen die mächtigen Waffen Gottes und keine weltlichen Waffen ein, um menschliche Gedankengebäude zu zerstören. 5 Mit diesen Waffen zerschlagen wir all die hochtrabenden Argumente, die die Menschen davon abhalten, Gott zu erkennen. Mit diesen Waffen bezwingen wir ihre widerstrebenden Gedanken und lehren sie, Christus zu gehorchen.
v3… we don’t wage war as humans do… We are fighting a war that is not simply physical…  The battle against the enemy can come through human beings… But behind the outward stuff… We see that hidden wicked powers are at work… The goal is to defeat and destroy our usefulness for the Lord…. Satan wants us laying around licking our wounds… instead of standing firm on the front lines… He wants us to shut our mouths… So that we will be unwilling to Proclaim the Good News… He wants us to shy away from confronting the sin and rebellion all around us… but… v4…
4… We use God’s mighty weapons…  to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning…
We use grace and truth…. We are the light of the world now… We Proclaim the Good News of the Gospel to this lost and dying world…
Paul says… Be strong and put on your Armor… The first thing that we see is that we need to be prepared… We are in a Battle…  So preparation comes first and this is Paul’s word in verse 10…  “Finally” “be strong in the lord and in the power of his might.”  
Notice that he uses 2 different greek words… 1 translated strength and the other might…  God´s strength and God´s might!  They are ours to use… Because we are in Christ…  We are one with him…  Because His life is our life…  His power is our power…  His truth is our truth…     It is this great truth that we are in Christ… that his might becomes our might…
And by the way no matter how strong our enemy is… Jesus´ strength is superior… I think of the church at Philadelphia in Revelation chapter 3… The text describes this church as a good church…  In fact it’s one of the two out of the seven churches to which no condemnation was given… This was a righteous community of faith… and our Lord Jesus says to them “you will have an open door before you…” 

This   church   was reaching out… They were blessed by God… In verse 8 it says “And you have a little strength” That´s awesome… Jesus says you have a little strength…  You see even a little strength preserves the church…  God is so much more powerful than Satan… That even a little of his strength is enough to overcome all of the enemies…  Greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world… The smallest amount of divine power… Is Infinitely greater is than our enemy…   God´s power easily overcomes   the power of death and hell… The enemy has no chance… In Philippians 4:13 Paul says “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me…  
At the cross Jesus Christ gave the death blow to Satan… look with me at Hebrews 2..v14…
Hebrews 2: 14,15                    NLT   Neues Leben
14 Because God’s children are human beings—made of flesh and blood—the Son also became flesh and blood. For only as a human being could he die, and only by dying could he break the power of the devil, who had the power of death. 15 Only in this way could he set free all who have lived their lives as slaves to the fear of dying.
14 Da Gottes Kinder Menschen aus Fleisch und Blut sind, wurde auch Jesus als Mensch geboren. Denn nur so konnte er durch seinen Tod die Macht des Teufels brechen, der Macht über den Tod hatte.15 Nur so konnte er die befreien, die ihr Leben lang Sklaven ihrer Angst vor dem Tod waren.
Christ defeated Satan at the cross… Once for all time…. And as Paul spent 3 chapters of Ephesians telling us… We are in Christ…
Although the Devil is a conquered enemy...  He accuses us…He wants us in his camp…  But he can lay no just claim to a believer… 
The point is this…  Yes… We are in a war…  but there is no reason   to be afraid...  We cannot loose… Jesus has already won it… It is His war…. It was and is… His victory… It truly is Finished… The Divine resources to help and protect us… belong to us because of Jesus…
Aber… Here in the real world we do in fact struggleTruth… Paul did tell us to stop lying to each other… Paul was careful to exhort and encourage all of the people the Lord put in his life… Remember Timothy…? Paul was his pastor… But at times even Timothy struggled… Let´s look at what Paul wrote to him… 2 Timothy 1…v 6,7…
2 Timothy 1: 6,7                           NLT   Neues Leben
6 This is why I remind you to fan into flames the spiritual gift God gave you when I laid my hands on you. 7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.
6 Deshalb ermutige ich dich dazu, die geistliche Gabe wirken zu lassen, die Gott dir schenkte, als ich dir die Hände auflegte.
7 Denn Gott hat uns nicht einen Geist der Furcht gegeben, sondern einen Geist der Kraft, der Liebe und der Besonnenheit.
Fan the flames of faith in your Heart… Don´t be afraid… We cannot loose… In v 9,10 of this passage…Paul reminds Timothy… God is the one who saved us…. He is the one who poured grace into our lives….. He broke to power of sin and death once for all in the Lord Jesus Christ´s death and resurrection… This is the Good News… look at 2Timothy 2: 1-3....
2 Timothy 2: 1-3                      NLT   Neues Leben
1 Timothy, my dear son, be strong through the grace that God gives you in Christ Jesus. 2 You have heard me teach things that have been confirmed by many reliable witnesses. Now teach these truths to other trustworthy people who will be able to pass them on to others. 3 Endure suffering along with me, as a good soldier of Christ Jesus.
1 Timotheus, mein lieber Sohn, werde stark durch die Gnade, die Gott dir in Christus Jesus schenkt.2 Was du von mir gehört hast, das sollst du auch weitergeben an Menschen, die vertrauenswürdig und fähig sind, andere zu lehren.3 Sei bereit, als ein treuer Kämpfer für Christus Jesus zu leiden.
Don´t be defeated or discouraged… Be strong in Grace and teach others…
Now the fact is we can win our daily battles with sin and temptation… After all… We know we’re going to win the war in the end… because Jesus Christ has won the victory for us...  There is no reason for us to be losing battles along the way… But there are some things we have to know…  First we have to have our strength in the Lord Jesus… and secondly we have to have the armor on.
We hear a lot about demons today…    There is some  “Christian exorcism” popular in certain…. Circles…  That is totally Unbiblical…  In fact there is not one incident in all of the Scripture where demons are ever cast out of a believer… It is impossible for a Christian to be possessed… God has given all of us the freedom and power to resist the Devil… Paul is giving us practical applications of the great truths that He taught us at the beginning of this letter…  look with me at  Ephesians Chapter 1, in verse 19
Ephesians 1: 19- 23     NLT   Neues Leben
19 I also pray that you will understand the incredible greatness of God’s power for us who believe him. This is the same mighty power 20 that raised Christ from the dead and seated him in the place of honor at God’s right hand in the heavenly realms. 21 Now he is far above any ruler or authority or power or leader or anything else—not only in this world but also in the world to come. 22 God has put all things under the authority of Christ and has made him head over all things for the benefit of the church. 23 And the church is his body; it is made full and complete by Christ, who fills all things everywhere with himself.
19 Ich bete, dass ihr erkennen könnt, wie übermächtig groß seine Kraft ist, mit der er in uns, die wir an ihn glauben, wirkt. Es ist dieselbe gewaltige Kraft, 20 die auch Christus von den Toten auferweckt und ihm den Ehrenplatz an Gottes rechter Seite im Himmel gegeben hat. 21 Jetzt ist er als Herrscher eingesetzt über jede weltliche Regierung, Gewalt, Macht und jede Herrschaft und über alles andere, in dieser wie in der zukünftigen Welt. 22 Gott hat alles der Herrschaft von Christus unterstellt und hat Christus als Herrn über die Gemeinde eingesetzt. 23 Die Gemeinde aber ist sein Leib, und sie ist erfüllt von Christus, der alles ganz mit seiner Gegenwart erfüllt.
 v19… Look at the greatness of God´s power toward us who believe...     
v20,21… The same Mighty Power that raised Christ from the dead... And seated him in the place of honor at God’s right hand in the heavenly realms. 21 Now he is far above any ruler or authority or power or leader or anything else—not only in this world but also in the world to come…
What kind of power do we have?  The power that conquered death on the cross  The power is His… Because we are in Christ… The resources are here for us to use… That’s the power we have…  
In 1 Corinthians ch10…I want you to what Paul said…
V12,13… In this text… Paul issues a warning…. And he points all of us to the root problems…  
1 Corinthians 10: 12,13                  NLT  Neues Leben
12 If you think you are standing strong, be careful not to fall. 13 The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.
12 Wer sich für standhaft hält, soll aufpassen, dass er nicht auf die gleiche Weise sündige.
13 Vergesst nicht, dass die Prüfungen, die ihr erlebt, die gleichen sind, vor denen alle Menschen stehen. Doch Gott ist treu. Er wird die Prüfung nicht so stark werden lassen, dass ihr nicht mehr widerstehen könnt. Wenn ihr auf die Probe gestellt werdet, wird er euch eine Möglichkeit zeigen, trotzdem standzuhalten.
v12… the root problems…?  We struggle with #1 our pride and #2 the temptation to do the sins that we still love to commit… You say not me… Paul says…You  think that you are safe?  Be careful…  You know when you’re vulnerable to the devils lies?  When you think you’re not… When you think man now have got this Christian life down… We need to rely on the Lord and His strength at all times…
v13… God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand…. Notice this whole thing is dependent on the character of God…  Not just his power… but also His faithfulness to make that power available for us…     God will never allow Satan any foothold in the life of a believer that is more than that believer can deal with…   That means there will never be a time in this warfare when you need to lose…  There will never be a time when you cannot overcome in Christ… As long as we rely on him… Even when we are felling very weak… In 2 Corinthians 12:9 Paul says “When I am weak then I am strong.  His strength is made perfect in my weakness.”  As long as you think you can handle it you can’t…  When you know you can’t… And decide to depend on him… He can and will give you a way out… 
The battle is the Lord’s…  Let him fight it… We hold on to Him… He knows what he’s doing…  Let him be the one who fights the battle…  There’s no reason for feeling defeated…  There’s no reason to think that a believer is so inundated by Satan that he can’t get out of it…  There’s no bondage so great that there’s not a way to escape if we take advantage of the resources available… They are… #1 confidence in the power of God… and then as we’ll see next week… #2… putting on the armor of God…  that brings us back to Eph 6… v11...
Ephesians 6: 11                   NLT  Neues Leben
11 Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil.
11 Legt die komplette Waffenrüstung Gottes an, damit ihr allen hinterhältigen Angriffen des Teufels widerstehen könnt.
v11a… Put on all of God’s armor… God gives the believer a full set of equipment… and He sends us out into battle with everything we need…
This is the armor is of God… It is from Him… It is His actual armor… In the Old Testament, it is the LORD JESUS…. Our Redeemer… The Messiah who wears the armor as he fights for us… Isaiah 59:17…
Paul says that He now shares that armor with us… No wonder Paul writes that we are more than conquerors!.. Romans 8:37… look at the next phrase…

v11b… That you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil… We need the Lord´s power and armor to do battle with our enemies… If we try to resist the devil on our own… We are toast… But we are not alone in this battle…. Far from it…. It fact our victory is certain….. Jesus has already defeated Satan…. The cross was the end of the devils power to destroy the people of God…
Satan's schemes against us will fail…  When we stand against them in the power of God… We will experience victory in our daily lives too… We will win this war because of Jesus…
Our battles are not to take over this world…. It is not to stop wickedness directly…  
Our battle is for the hearts and lives of rebellious sinners… People like us…
The battle is for the redemption of wicked and sinful mankind… One heart at a time… The Salvation of souls become our rewards…  And the power to transform hearts and minds is always the Lord´s… The power of the cross is why we can be strong in the battle… back to Ephesians 6… v12…
Ephesians 6: 12                        NLT Neues Leben
12 For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.
12 Denn wir kämpfen nicht gegen Menschen aus Fleisch und Blut, sondern gegen die bösen Mächte und Gewalten der unsichtbaren Welt, gegen jene Mächte der Finsternis, die diese Welt beherrschen, und gegen die bösen Geister in der Himmelswelt.
v12…This verse describes the power of evil and darkness… When we look at modern culture… We often see the idea of a great battle between two equals…. Close
Good vs. Evil…. Darkness vs. Light… I think this idea of cosmic conflict between good and evil is very attractive to our culture… It is the reason for the appeal and success of many books and films… Films that display this cosmic conflict are very successful these days… Most of us love to see the final victory of good over evil…. The idea is that the outcome is in doubt until the very last battle… That makes a great film… But this idea of almost equally matched enemies does not reflect the truth… The Word of God clearly shows us that there is no real contest… Satan has already been defeated at the cross… That is Good News…
This good News is part of the Gospel… Look with me at Colossians 2…v13…
Colossians 2: 13-15               NLT   Neues Leben
13 You were dead because of your sins and because your sinful nature was not yet cut away. Then God made you alive with Christ, for he forgave all our sins. 14 He canceled the record of the charges against us and took it away by nailing it to the cross. 15 In this way, he disarmed the spiritual rulers and authorities. He shamed them publicly by his victory over them on the cross.
13 Denn vorher wart ihr tot aufgrund eurer Schuld und weil euer altes Ich euch bestimmt hat2. Doch Gott hat euch mit Christus lebendig gemacht. Er hat uns alle unsere Schuld vergeben. 14 Er hat die Liste der Anklagen gegen uns gelöscht; er hat die Anklageschrift genommen und vernichtet, indem er sie ans Kreuz genagelt hat. 15 Auf diese Weise hat Gott die Herrscher und Mächte dieser Welt entwaffnet. Er hat sie öffentlich bloßgestellt, indem er durch Christus am Kreuz über sie triumphiert hat.
V15… Our victory is certain… Our victory is rooted in what Jesus did… It is not dependent on what we do… It isn't that there is no doing on our part… but our doing is the acceptance and application of what Jesus did in our own lives… and in our homes and in the church… We need to stop for today… I wish I had a light saber this morning… We need to grab the Sword of the Spirit and fight the good fight of faith… That is where we will pick up the text next time…We will look at the Armor of God  Let´s pray…

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